Garden Tools


A good pair of pruners is the duct tape for the garden. Felco #8’s are great because your hands don’t have to open as widely to make the cut. Bypass blades are important to reduce damage to the part of the plant you are keeping.


Keeping pruners appropriate to the size of the material being cut also helps to reduce damage to the plant, and make it easier on your body. These Corona loppers make it even easier on you, because they have gears to compound the energy you are putting into using them.


This Corona folding saw cuts both when you pull and when you push the blade, doubling your efficiency. I’ve always been impressed at how long it stays sharp. It is a must for tree branches.


No matter if your garden is brand-new or well-established, there are always new plants to be added or droughts to supplement water. Gilmour Flexogen hoses are my favorites for resisting kinks through all seasons.


A nozzle or “breaker” is important to soften the water you put on your plants. This Dramm breaker reduces the pressure on the leaves of your plants, and reduces the chance that your watering will erode soil. A good watering technique is still important though!


This Dramm hose shut-off is attached between the hose and the breaker. The lever is very helpful for reducing the waste of water as you walk from the hose spigot to your plants. Not to mention letting out just the right amount of water pressure!